For years, Chuy had been using cheap plastic headphones. Today, Bob Fonseca made him a man. With a simple gift of some Audio-Technica headphones, Chuy is now a true professional. He can finally hear all the guys with clarity. Jury’s still out if he’s happy about that fact. 🙂
Believe it or not, but B-DOE had never seen Game of Thrones. During the last ice storm, he finally pulled the trigger on the binge watch. Chuy is all about Euphoria right now, even though he says there’s a plethora of veiny penises. Speaking of those, Bob is championing the new Pam & Tommy series on Hulu. Matt… well he’s been spending his last few weeks just going home and sleeping. Oh. Good for him. Whatchu binge watching lately?
The guys are binge watching… who you wanna share some popcorn and couch time with? #RestingLion #DontBeACaveman
— Mornings with Matt and Bob (@mattandbobfm) February 8, 2022
Have you ever heard of THIRD-HAND smoke? Can children get sick from third-hand smoke? Apparently it can.