KLBJ Polls Ongoing polls for KLBJFM – all in one place! Candle Suggestions for LA LLOYD Candle Scents for L.A. Lloyd Send us suggestions! Your Name or Username(Required) Name Your Email(Required) LA Lloyd has a new hobby…making candle scents influenced by song titles, like “Blue Christmas” or “Back In Black.” Send your suggestions for names or scents:(Required)OoOo, That Smell! Can't You Smell That Smell? Δ Texas Music Song Request for ARMADILLO NATION Request a Song for Armadillo Nation Your Name or Username(Required) Name Your Email Request a Song for Armadillo Nation (Texas Rock Music)(Required) Must be from, or currently in Texas. (+10 points if they are from Austin)Would you like to Sign up for our Monthly Email Newsletter? Yes No You must provide your Email Address to be added to our newsletter send list. Δ Joke of the Day Request for JOHNY RUDE Rude Brood Joke of the Day: Submit a Joke! Name(Required) Name or User Name Tell a Joke for On-The-Air with Rude Brood's Joke of the Day!(Required)Submit your own jokes to be read at 7:45pm during Johnny Rude's Rude Brood Joke of the Day on KLBJFM AustinYour Email If you would like to sign up for our Monthly KLBJ email newsletter, please add your email address here. Would you also like to Sign up for the KLBJ Monthly Newsletter?(Required) Yes No Δ