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The gang learns about a trashy garbage-bandit. Then, they consider the possibility of swearing off the meats. The crew also gets schooled on the nuanced art that is fine wine. Then, they discuss a couple recent news stories about dudes doing super dude-y things. First, one dude gets in a plane crash while proposing. Then, another dude has been experiencing some horrific problems with his bathroom-regulatory functions.
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In today’s very special impromptu episode of Chuy and the Man, Bob describes his recent cat troubles—which sparks a scientific discussion about feline reproductive organs. The guys field some calls from a few cat ladies. Then, Chuy plays the Dr. Melfi to Bob’s Tony Soprano by identifying his “swimming pool geese”. The guys also discuss the fun environment at Austin FC’s Q2 stadium. The guys also discuss a frijole-give-away with a 35,000-person waitlist.
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