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There’s something mysterious on the moon! The guys find out if they’re considered Austin-affluent and then plan a trip to NYC to scarf some dirty-water-hotdogs. And why is it that you can’t do anything with a chubby anymore without being called “sex-crazed”???
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Dale discusses an entitled tenant's demand to carpet one of his properties because of the deafening sound of footsteps coming from upstairs. The guys discuss a Brazilian National soccer star who knocked up his gorgeous niece as well as a Walmart employee quitting in glorious fashion. Then, the crew riffs about the kind of booze that burns your nostrils. Finally, we flip through some of the strangest and silliest recent news stories.
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On today’s episode, the guys discuss the popularity of the hit show, Squid Games—which sparks a conversation about childhood games. Dave jumps in the studio and helps Bob and Chuy reminisce about childhood tomfoolery. Then the crew investigates the disappearance of Ronald McDonald.
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