New Metal Music 7/12 – Entheos, Duel, Tribulation

Midnight Metal's new music weekly with Chuck
As far as new metal goes this is one of those weird times of the year (Most of July, actually)
Stay tuned for some updates to Midnight Metal coming your way soon, and perhaps some new show segments… but more on that later! Stay tuned to @MidnightMetal and @NoControlRadio for updates!
Here are a few headbangers for you this week:

Entheos, “All For Nothing”

A new Entheos song ‘All For Nothing’ and EP announcement was released this week, with a date set for October!
“‘All For Nothing’ is a song about existential reflection and the idea that, no matter how significant the things that we seek in this life seem, they may serve no purpose in the grand scheme of things. Musically, we wanted to write a more straightforward, catchy death metal song and incorporate a ‘big chorus’ ending.” – Chaney Crabb from Youtube Video Description

Duel – Breakfast with Death

Our friends and local metalsicians, Duel have a new album that came out last week.
Check it out below and purchase it here from their bandcamp.
Or be unsupportive and stream it in full for free on Youtube:

Tribulation – “Saturn Coming Down”

Tribulation released a new single that you can listen to below, or purchase and consume here!

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