Show Highlights – Thursday, September 22, 2022


How can a show with this much sleep deprivation be so good?

It’s State Capital Day!

Intern Natalie Drives Her Very First Mornings with Matt and Bob Contest!

Intern Natalie

What happens when you give a new show intern an assignment to come up with a contest that celebrates State Capitals? It was a tall order to be sure but “Nat” ran with it. Was the contest a success? You be the judge! Listen here and leave your comments below!


Chron’s “Best of Food” Is Out Today!

Interview With Food Editor Melanie Haupt

Mornings with Matt and Bob is the undisputed champion of the morning show scene in Austin, but who’s food game has no shame? Find out in the latest issue of the Austin Chronicle. The Pull out Best of Food section lays it out so you can play it out. This morning, we got some of the highlights from Food Editor Melanie Haupt. Listen here!

Best of Food

Mornings with Matt and Bob (powered by Chuy) is a wholly-owned subsidiary of Matt and Bob Broadcasting Services and Waste Management Inc. a division of Waterloo Media, and airs weekdays on 93.7 KLBJ-FM.







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