MONDAY 2-24 | Matt Calls the Show, Hooters, Sports Talk and MORE
Matt is still out sick Monday, BUT, calls in to the show to share his weird fever dreams and will be back in the studio very soon!
Bob tells us about the Austin FC game and the club’s success and talks a bit about his past in hockey.
Hooters might be going bankrupt but at least KLBJ-FM will be bringing you the HEAVIEST concert of the year.
TUESDAY 2-25 | Matt’s Back, Child Support and Poppers
Matt returns Tuesday and we are all happy but worried.
We debate if Matt should’ve gone to the doctor. We also get very toxic and talk about the child support problem in Texas.
Then we get into the missing “poppers’ in the studio and who stole them!
WEDNESDAY 2-26 | Food Habits, Dream Fast Pass, AND Bob’s Brother Calls
Wednesday, the guys are getting back into the swing. They talk about breakfast habits.
Matt is feeling better and killing it with his classic segments. Bob’s talks about a return of Dave Grohl to the spotlight.
Intern George was stolen by the AM show, but returns to talk about dream flash passes to skip any line.
Bob’s pilot brother Kent calls in to talk about all the weird plane incidents in the news.
THURSDAY 2-27 | Cranky Bob, Gene Hackman, Matt gets Pretty Womaned
Bob throws a tantrum over McDonalds giving him the wrong tea on Thursday.
The guys talk about local restaurants, the convention center closing, and upcoming events to spice up your weekends.
Matt tells the guys about how he got “Pretty Womaned” at a fancy store.
The guys talk about the tragic death of Gene Hackman, taking a walk through his amazing career and giving Chuy some movie recommendations.
FRIDAY 2-28 | The Best RnR NEWS Ever, Food Fridays, AND CJ Morgan
The audience of one brings a big breakfast gift to the guys and they talk about local breakfast and food spots.
Bob’s Rock N’ Roll News this week might be the best ever?!?
Chuy has a new segment of Food Fridays. He bring on the power couple behind local Mexican restaurant La Plancha to share their amazing Mexican street food sandwiches. Follow @KLBJ937 for reels and stories!
CJ Morgan stops by for Facts of the Day and plenty more
Listen in and laugh with us to start your weekend right with the best radio talk show!
Have an awesome weekend, Matt + Bob Warriors!