Matt and Bob Podcast Recap: ABC’s of Me, Rats, Spouses Phones, Last Minute Costumes, Scary Stories, and CJ Morgan on Hot Dog Friday

podcast recap header mornings with matt and bob on klbjfm austin

Here’s what you missed this week on Mornings with Matt and Bob (Powered by Chuy) Halloween week

10-28 | Presidential Comedy, Abc’s of Me and UT Distracted

On Monday, the fellas share some hot takes.

They start by discussing the recent Maga Rally comedians, then they take questions from listeners as they, “answer any question.”

And Bob finally gives his hot take on UT and their sideline.

10-29 | Candy, Rats and Spouses Phones

Tuesday vibes bringing the fellas in the halloween spirit to start off the show, then they bring back contests for listeners.

Chuy also recommends a scary documentary, and they get Toxic by talking about whether or not it should be illegal for your spouse to look in your phone.

Send us your toxic opinions!

10-30 | Last Minute Costumes, Bob’s a 5 and Final Hinchcliff discussion

Wednesday the fellas talk last minute costumes, then discuss ranking their own attractiveness on a scale from 1-10. (Is it still Toxic Tuesday?)

Chuy also makes a contest for head-to-head that should please all foodies.

Finally, we have what Chuy hopes is the last Hinchcliff discussion…

10-31 | Halloween, Horror Contest and Scary Stories

Thursday, they discuss how the company Halloween party might go.

They also pin callers against each other in a Horror Head-to-Head.

Then they talk about the scariest times of their lives with spooky stories, followed by taking calls about scary experiences from the audience!


11-1 | Company Party, Halloween Review and CJ Morgan

Today the guys compared their Halloweenies from company parties to their families experiences.

Then CJ comes in and burns the hotdogs while annoying Bob.

No really.

Like really burnt.


burnt dog - cj hot dog fridays

Join The Fun!

See you next week, Warriors!

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