Hogs Gone Wild… IN MY HOOD!
You’ve heard me mention that FERAL HOGS have been spotted in my neighborhood. People questioned my understanding of what a hog looked like. I heard things like, “you sure it isn’t a cat”? Yes. I’m 100% positive I can tell the difference between the two. I live in a hood I refer to as a “Suburban Jungle”. You never know what you might see roaming around. Gigantic bucks, opossum, skunks, armadillos, foxes, even coyotes have been know to traipse through the hood. But feral hogs? Hell to the no. We aren’t in the country. There’s industrial parks, commercial strips, and residential neighborhoods that have been there forever. Do you have feral hogs in your hood too?
Video from neighbor’s Ring Doorbell!
Someone sent me footage of the beast. Could you imagine running into this thing on the street? It’s almost as tall as the hedges, and as wide as the walkway!
FOX 7 News Coverage.
The news picked up the story and found another video, IN COLOR, of just how big this thing is. Question… have you ever in your life heard of just one hog? No. These beasts hang in packs and breed like rabbits. Feral sows produce 1.5 litters per year on average, with six piglets in each. A single litter may include up to 14 piglets! What the actual hell??? If you live in my hood, and capture this hog or it’s family on camera, send it to me! BDOE@klbjfm.com
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