Caller Vehemently Opposes “Birthmonth” Celebration. How soulless do you have to be to poopoo on someone’s celebration of life? You only live once. Or at least that’s what some people say. I say, if that is indeed the case, that you should truly celebrate the fact you were actually born. Don’t just celebrate a “day”, life is too short. I encourage you to impress and annoy all your friends and family by stretching it out and celebrating a “Birthmonth”!
This caller obviously disagrees with my Birthmonth sentiments and took the time out of his busy schedule to let me know. Thank you to the many who called in to wish me actually good things on my Birthmonth. I have included a few of my favorites before you hear the opposite side of the Birthmonth argument. May the BIRTHMONTH be with you, always.
Did you know I have a mullet? Let me take that back… did you know I have a GLORIOUS MULLET? Watch the video I made of the journey of my pandemic mullet cocoon.