It was a magical night celebrating 25 years of Austin’s greatest radio duo. The evening kicked off with a VIP Red Carpet party (that most of you snuck in to). The Paramount lights started flashing and thousands of fans filed into a packed theatre. Matt Bearden welcomed everyone then brought up Mayor Steve Adler who awarded Dale and Bob with a key to Austin.
Chris Cubas was our first comic to take the stage. He briefly addressed current affairs while tossing some shade at former Chief of Police Art Acevado (who happened to be in the audience and fired back). The lovably uncomfortable Martha Kelly was next, followed by our friend Mike Macrae (who only did one impression of Dale), and then Matt returned with Louis Black to induct the gang into the Texas Film Hall of Fame (which was quickly rescinded after a text from Richard Linklater).
The second act featured an amazing house band filled with legendary Austin musicians and led by Scrappy Jud Newcomb. Our musicians included show and fan favorites Bob Schneider, Bruce Robison & Kelly Willis, Johnny Goudie, Benjamin Hotchkiss, Kacy Crowley and Charlie FREAKING Sexton!
The show wrapped with Matt bringing Dale and Bob down from their box to thank everyone for 25 years of awesomeness (shout out to Bob’s dad for getting a standing round of applause and the spotlight).
Just as we thought the show was over everyone was invited back on to the stage to close it out by singing Born to Run (below).
The wild night concluded for most of us at the Speakeasy after party (who knows the writer of this blog was drunk by then).
The Dudley and Bob 25th Aniversary Gala – Red Carpet
The Dudley and Bob 25th Anniversary Gala – Show
Mayor Adler Gives us a key to the City of Austin
Louis Black Inducts Dale and Bob into Texas Film Hall of Fame
Thank You!
The Gang Sings Born To Run